Crystal Reports Articles
Articles, tips and FAQs for Crystal Reports
If you are a Crystal Reports developer or user, we hope you will find the articles on this page useful
Three ways to put sub reports to work. Some imaginative ideas for boosting the power of Crystal Reports. (By Jason Dove) April 2010.
Five steps for top Crystal Reports performance. Use these simple techniques to improve the efficiency of your reports. (By Jason Dove) February 2010.
Find the tables and fields used in your Crystal reports. CR Doc is a simple freeware program that lists all the database tables and fields used in one or more reports. November 2007.
Create a calendar-style report. Need a report that looks like a calendar or month planner? Crystal can do it. (By Linda Bass) March 2004. Revised and updated August 2008.
Create a table of contents for your reports. A simple TOC can help users navigate your reports. February 2004
Use SQL expressions to improve performance. Your reports will refresh faster if you add a little SQL. February 2004
Add comments to your reports. Make your reports easier for yourself - and others - to understand. January 2004
Warn the user when a group continues on the next page. A simple formula for creating a group continuation message. January 2004
Ten tips for Crystal Reports. Some miscellaneous tips to help you get more from CR. January 2004
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